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At Marlborough St Mary's we ask every family to ensure that every child is a HERO!

HERO stands for Here, Every day, Ready and On-Time.

School attendance is really important, and we have been working hard to try and improve our attendance figures. To give parents an idea of what these figures mean, a child with 85% will have missed over 90 lessons in one term. We have the highest hopes for our children, so we really need them to be HEROES. For this reason, families should note that no holiday requests will be authorised during term time. 

Our attendance figures are included below:

  • Term 1- 94%​

  • Term 2- 92%​

  • Term 3- 91%​

  • Term 4- 93%

  • Term 5- 95%

  • Term 6 (To date)- 95%

You can find more information about attendance on our Policies page of the website.