Helpful Info
School Day
Our school day begins at 8:30. Mr Crossman, or another member of the SLT (Senior Leadership Team), is always available at the front gate and Mr Goodman can usually be found at the back gate.
The gates close at 8:45 for registration, and we start learning straight away. Any child who arrives after 8:45 will need to sign in at the front desk and is marked as 'late'.
In the afternoon, the gates open at 15:10, ready for the end of the school day at 15:15. Again, there are always members of the SLT available to help you.
Our car park is for staff only. We allow taxis that carry our children to use it, and we also permit 'Blue Badge' holders to use the 3 disabled spaces.
We encourage families to walk to school but, if you do drive, please park in 'Waitrose' car park behind George Lane. You can park for free but make sure you pop into the school office to collect your George Lane parking permit!