If your child becomes unwell during the school day we may need to contact you. We ask parents and carers to keep us up to date with contact numbers and to notify us of any changes.
Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. Most pupils will at some time have a condition requiring medication. For many, the condition will be short term – perhaps the duration of a short absence from school.
If the illness has been sickness or diarrhoea it is school policy that your child does not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode.
If medication is still required during the school day we encourage parents to visit, perhaps during the lunch break, to administer the medication themselves.
Where children have long-term medical needs e.g. Asthma, or a Care Plan we will do everything we can to enable them to attend school regularly. Parents/carers will be requested to give us details of the child’s condition and medication, and bring the medication to school in a secure, labelled container. Records will be kept of all medication received and the day, time, dose, who administered it and who witnessed it.
School Nurse- Our school nurse visits regularly. Part of her role is to conduct routine eye tests, height and weight measurements in the Reception classes.