Otter and Water Vole
Information on Year 5
It’s an action-packed year for all of us in Year 5, as we explore an amazing range of topics. From grappling with those vicious Vikings to finding empathy for our natural world and finding modern-day solutions, we will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of engaging awe-inspiring learning.
We will keep in touch mostly by Dojo, but you can always catch a member of our team after school.
The Year 5 Teaching Team:
Mr Lawrence – Water Vole teacher
Miss Ambrosini and Mrs Swankie – Otter teachers
We are assisted by Mr Williams (Otter) and Mrs Heath(Water Vole)
PE Days
We ask that you send your child in PE kit for Mondays and Thursdays.
Term 3 will see the children playing tag rugby and netball. Rugby is on Monday so we would advise children to bring football boots with plastic studs to use during PE and a spare pair of shoes to change into.
We ask that you read with your child a minimum of three times per week (research shows this frequency makes the most impact). Also, we ask that your child practises their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars a minimum of three times per week.
Please see our knowledge organisers for information about each term’s studies.