The role of the Governor
The role of the governor has four main parts:
- To ensure the clarity of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To hold the school leadership to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, as well as effective and efficient performance management of staff
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and ensuring its money is well spent
- To consult with all stakeholders (staff, parents/carers, pupils/students and the wider community) about the vision, plans, progress and the impact of changes
Vision, Ethos and Strategic Direction
Our ambition is to provide the best quality of education and learning environment for our children, enabling them to flourish and achieve their full potential. To be a school that underpinned by our Christian values, places inclusion and the well-being of its pupils, their families and our staff at its heart. To be an outward-looking school collaborating with partners to share best practice and resources.
The governors, together with the staff team, are responsible for ensuring that the school delivers on our strategic objectives. To achieve this, we looked at our children's specific needs and developed 4 main areas of focus.
Talk | Read | Pride | Marlborough |
Communication & Language | Vocabulary & Phonics | Self-Worth and Self-Regulation | Sense of Community & belonging |
The Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of volunteers from the parent body, the staff, the church and the wider community. We bring experience from a variety of educational, business, professional and community backgrounds with many of us either currently or previously having children at the school.
Diversity Statement
Marlborough St Mary’s recognises the benefits of having a diverse governing board to mirror the community we serve and welcomes applications from all ages, gender, ethnic backgrounds, social standing, disabilities, religion, faith or sexual orientation.
Key Governor Roles
- Chair of Governors – Kate Hughes
- Vice Chair – Katie Riches
Committee Chairs
- Finance and Resources – Dan Knight
- Teaching and Learning – Celia Dunne & Katie Riches
Other Key Roles
- Safeguarding, Online safety & Cybersecurity, Child in Care and Well-being – Katie Riches
- Special Education Needs & Disability – Amy Adderley
- Disadvantaged Learners / Pupil Premium & Attendance – Celia Dunne
- Equality & Diversity – Kate Hughes
- Health & Safety - Dan Knight
- Whistleblowing Governor – Kate Hughes (Chair of Governors)
To contact any of the governors, please go through the school office or e-mail
Our Governing Body is made up of 15 Governors, and 1 Associate Member, including 2 current vacancies, appointed as follows:
- Two Staff Governors (including the Head Teacher = ex officio)
- Three Foundation Governors, appointed by Salisbury Diocese, in consultation with St Mary’s Church, Marlborough (including the Rector of St Mary’s Church = ex officio) (Includes one vacancy)
- Two Parent Governors
- One Local Authority Governor, nominated by the Governing Board who can bring a range of skills, knowledge and experience to the Governing Board
- Seven Governors co-opted by the Governing Body who can bring a range of skills, knowledge and experience to the Governing Board (Includes one vacancy)
- One Associate Member (no voting rights), appointed to support the oversight of financial matters
An experienced professional Clerk supports the Governing Body, ensuring all relevant topics are covered.
List of Governors & Associate Members
Governors do not become involved in the day to day running of the school as this is the responsibility of the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher is held to account by the board for the smooth and efficient running of the school and achieving its strategic objectives. This is measured by regular meetings and visits by governors throughout the year offering both support and challenge.
The Full Governing Body meets 6 times a year on a termly basis. Governors sit on one or both of two committees which also meet each term.
The Teaching & Learning Committee covers the curriculum, monitoring the School Development Plan, Safeguarding, Disadvantaged Learners/Pupil Premium, Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and attainment & pupil progress.
The Finance & Resources Committee monitors the school's Finances, Staffing, Health & Safety and all Premises issues.
Attendance of Meetings & Declarations