PE and Sport
Embracing Physical Activity: PE at Marlborough St Mary's!
Our Vision:
Marlborough St Mary’s envisions an inclusive, happy, and thriving school at the heart of our local community. Together, our families and dedicated staff guide our children to become confident, independent learners who care for themselves, each other, and the environment around them. Our mantra is simple: Be brilliant, be bold, be kind. Together, we believe, learn, and achieve.
Subject: Physical Education (PE) Lead - Rachel Haines
Exploring the World of Physical Well-being: Our Curriculum's Intent:
At Marlborough St Mary’s, we want every pupil to have a positive experience with physical activity that inspires a lifelong love for sports. Physical activity is fundamental for a healthy lifestyle, and our children will understand how it, combined with healthy eating, leads to improved physical health and mental well-being. Each child will be exposed to a wide range of sports and physical activities, appropriate for their age and level. We aim to develop their physical skills, fitness, and confidence within a safe and stimulating learning environment. Sports not only enhance physical health but also teach vital social skills like cooperation, tolerance, and teamwork, aligning with our school values.
Fostering Future Athletes: Our Approach:
Through engaging teaching, we nurture the following essential characteristics in our young athletes:
1. A genuine interest in sports and a sense of pride in their accomplishments.
2. Knowledge of the benefits of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle.
3. A wide range of physical skills and the confidence to apply them.
4. Recognition of their strengths and weaknesses, promoting personal and team goals.
5. The experience of competition, learning to win graciously and lose with pride.
The Active Learning Journey: How We Teach PE:
Our approach to teaching Physical Education focuses on key aspects:
1. Talk (Communication and Language): Encouraging discussion and understanding of lessons' learning objectives.
2. Read (Vocab and Phonics): Providing written instructions to enhance understanding during group activities.
3. Pride (Self Regulation and Self Worth): Instilling a sense of pride in personal achievements and contributions to school sports.
4. Marlborough (Sense of Community and Belonging): Emphasizing collaboration with local clubs to broaden opportunities in chosen sports.
Teachers at Marlborough St Mary’s ensure that the learning objectives align with the PE progression document. Each pupil receives two lessons per week, one of which is guided by our dedicated PE coach. Lessons are designed to be creative and engaging, incorporating various teaching techniques. Planning is inclusive, considering diverse skill levels, fitness levels, and abilities. We emphasize safety and the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs, teaching children to care for their bodies.
Measuring Success: Achieving Our Goals:
Our ultimate goal is for pupils to enjoy sports lessons, feel a sense of pride in their achievements, and witness improved fitness levels. We record notable moments and share achievements with parents and the wider school community, celebrating the sporting success of all our students. Through assessments and ongoing improvement, we aim to enhance the physical skills and fitness of every child, guiding them towards their 'next steps' in the world of sports.
At Marlborough St Mary’s, we believe in building a generation of active, confident, and proud individuals, valuing the importance of physical well-being and sportsmanship. Together, we strive for excellence in the realm of sports, fostering a community where every child can thrive.